ماتيل أونو - كليبستريب

17.86 USD

حالة السلعة : جديد

  • 2 متوفر

  • يباع من Toys_Store تصفح المنتجات الأخرى
  • SKUsku_16_5886
  • الشحنالتوصيل العادي ,
  • توصيل يختلف بالنسبة للمنتجات المشحونة من دولة أخرى
    التسليم في غضون 4 أيام عمل
  • الدولةالكويت
  • أيام الارجاع0 يوم


Card game consisting of 112 cards in 4 different colors and action cards and 3 wild cards "special assignment" on which players write their own rules. The aim of the game is to get rid of the cards in each round and score points for the cards that have been in the hands of other players. The winner is the player who scores 500 points. Having laid the penultimate card player must yell UNO, ie. One. If you do not shout and be caught, you will have to take another card.