لعبة بيكويتس

38.96 USD

حالة السلعة : جديد

  • 0 متوفر

  • يباع من Toys_Store تصفح المنتجات الأخرى
  • SKUsku_12_6571
  • الشحنالتوصيل العادي ,
  • توصيل يختلف بالنسبة للمنتجات المشحونة من دولة أخرى
    التسليم في غضون 4 أيام عمل
  • الدولةالكويت
  • أيام الارجاع0 يوم


Every picture is worth a thousand laughs as players try to match their PicWits photo cards with the judges caption card. Which picture in your hand is the perfect fit? Of course, it all depends upon personal perspective! Your photo card will be assessed against the cards of your competitors; the match-ups can be literal or ludicrous, accurate or outrageous. If the judge picks your card, you win the round! Each round is filled with surprising and comical comparisons from a wide range of people, places, things and events. With a new judge every round, tailoring your photo card to perfectly fit the personality of each player makes for one hilarious game!