شاحنة منظفة للشارع

120.13 USD

حالة السلعة : جديد

  • 2 متوفر

  • يباع من Toys_Store تصفح المنتجات الأخرى
  • SKUsku_27_4239
  • الشحنالتوصيل العادي ,
  • توصيل يختلف بالنسبة للمنتجات المشحونة من دولة أخرى
    التسليم في غضون 4 أيام عمل
  • الدولةالكويت
  • أيام الارجاع0 يوم


Road cleaning crews are an indispensable help for any municipality and form part of our everyday cityscape. No other vehicle can clean roads and pavements so effectively. BRUDER?s new road cleaning vehicle illustrates in great detail how this exciting truck works. The MAN TGS is the perfect partner. Thanks to durable design, featuring powerful engines of up to 500 hp and providing an above-average payload, this lorry is the prototype of the frequently described all-round vehicle. The road sweeper body features two rotating and adjustable cleaning brushes that can also be adjusted in height. Consequently, you will also be able to reach areas that are hard to access. A long brush that is driven when the vehicle is in motion has been fitted under the vehicle to clean surfaces.