ليزر اكس لعبة بروجيكس

100.65 USD

حالة السلعة : جديد

  • 0 متوفر

  • يباع من Toys_Store تصفح المنتجات الأخرى
  • SKUsku_48_4398
  • الشحنالتوصيل العادي ,
  • توصيل يختلف بالنسبة للمنتجات المشحونة من دولة أخرى
    التسليم في غضون 4 أيام عمل
  • الدولةالكويت
  • أيام الارجاع0 يوم


Projex is the Projecting Arcade Machine that projects moving targets that you can blast on Any Light-Colored Wall! Choose from 5 different games and 3 different skill levels. Blast Targets, UFOs or Ducks! One or two players can play. Features 3 Different Target Images Duck, Target and UFO. Has 5 Built-in-Games and 3 Level - Beginner to Expert Levels. No TV Screen or Sensors are Needed to play. Features simulated laser for accuracy and 6 shot capacity, second blaster for 2 player games and 3 interchangeable image slides for different targets and sound effects. Target images can be projected on any light-colored wall and features digital sound effects and LED scoring display. There are 3 ways to play: Solo, Head-to-Head and Co-op.