سيارة برتقالي بتحكم عن بعد

64.94 USD

حالة السلعة : جديد

  • 0 متوفر

  • يباع من Toys_Store تصفح المنتجات الأخرى
  • SKUsku_35_4445
  • الشحنالتوصيل العادي ,
  • توصيل يختلف بالنسبة للمنتجات المشحونة من دولة أخرى
    التسليم في غضون 4 أيام عمل
  • الدولةالكويت
  • أيام الارجاع0 يوم


The exceptionally high level of Carrera RC entertainment has been achieved through a combination of maximum speed, long play time, fast battery charging, high-quality materials and the latest technology. All this puts Carrera RC products on the top shelf in this segment of electronic toys. Carrera RC will take you to the unique world of car racing without leaving your home! The Carrera RC range includes a wide selection of racing and off-road cars, as well as motor boats and flying models. Carrera products guarantee the highest quality of fun - fascinating races, amazing stunts, speed and perfect vehicle control, which is all that a father and son may require from these products.Carrera RC is synonymous with quality, speed and the latest technology.