Features the original ARCADE version of the game.
Replicates the original reflected screen function to simulate 3D game-play. This unique arrangement of the screen and use of transparent mirror and colored gels is unique to the original arcade cabinet and our device.
- Miniature playable replica of the original Space Invaders arcade cabinet.
- Perfect for any game room, office, or display case!
- Volume control and 3.5mm headphone jack.
- Power with a Micro-USB cable or 4 AA batteries (not included). INCLUDES-Micro Player, user guide
- Backlit marquee and coin trap.PACKAGING DIMENSIONS
- 4.25 x 8.25 x 7.0 in (W x H x D)
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- Sold by Toys_Store See other items
- SKUsku_11_6062
- ShippingOODDSS Economy Delivery 1KD,
Varies for items shipped from an international location
Delivery within 4 business days - CountryKuwait
- Return0 days
Features the original ARCADE version of the game.
Replicates the original reflected screen function to simulate 3D game-play. This unique arrangement of the screen and use of transparent mirror and colored gels is unique to the original arcade cabinet and our device.
- Miniature playable replica of the original Space Invaders arcade cabinet.
- Perfect for any game room, office, or display case!
- Volume control and 3.5mm headphone jack.
- Power with a Micro-USB cable or 4 AA batteries (not included). INCLUDES-Micro Player, user guide
- Backlit marquee and coin trap.PACKAGING DIMENSIONS
- 4.25 x 8.25 x 7.0 in (W x H x D)